Sunday, April 27, 2014

If I was being Honest, You Would Know...

I apologize for my silence.  As time has progressed since our losses, weeks between posts have turned into months.  Sometimes, it's for a good reason - the fact that my heart doesn't hurt as much as it did in the beginning, and other times, it's because I am scared of being honest with all of you.  Recently, the latter has been true.  There have been things I wanted to say, but have been too afraid to speak.

I wrote a post a couple months ago, but never published it because I was afraid it was "too honest".  The post was inspired by Francesca Battistelli's live performance of her song, If We're Honest.  During her performance, I was challenged to be honest about our story and recent journey, but when it came to it, I lacked the courage to share.

But I don't want to be afraid anymore.

I know I am not the only one in this world who hurts.
I know I am not the only one who struggles with doubts.
I know I am not the only one who wrestles with unanswered questions.
I know I am not the only one who feels paralyzed by fear.
I know I am not the only one who knows the heartache of loss.
I know I am not the only one who doesn't understand why things happen the way they do.
I know I am not the only one who doesn't have it all figured out.

So let's be honest.
If I was being honest, you would know that our journey of trying to start a family of our own has been extremely difficult and painful.
If I was being honest, you would know that sometimes I have endurance during this time of waiting and sometimes I am incredibly weary.
If I was being honest, you would know that sometimes I take God at His Word and sometimes I doubt His simplest promises.
If I was being honest, you would know that sometimes I feel God's healing and sometimes I feel brokenness.
If I was being honest, you would know that sometimes I feel full of hope and sometimes I have none.
If I was being honest, you would know that sometimes I feel peace and sometimes I feel chaos.
If I was being honest, you would know that sometimes I feel strong and sometimes I am just pretending.
When we are honest, we know we are not alone.

When we are honest, we know true community.

When we are honest, we know God's unconditional love.

When we are honest, we know freedom.

When we are honest, we know healing.

What would you say "if you were being honest"?
[Please join the discussion in the comments section below.]


  1. Here goes nothing :)
    If I am honest I will admit that no matter how much I love my new baby, his birth didn't take away my pain from losing my 2 babies.
    If I was being honest I could admit how fear and anxiety paralyze me every single time I lay my son down to sleep.
    If I am honest, no matter how much I confess my trust in God, I fear trusting Him fully because it means I have to admit having no control.
    if I am being honest the fear of failure makes me sick to my stomach.
    If I am being honest some times the useless guilt eats me alive.
    If I am being honest it still hurts a year and a half later.
    If I am being honest I know God loves me but I still feel scared...

    1. Bethany, Thank you for being courageous and brave by sharing. I appreciate your honesty and vulnerability. There are many things I can relate to and I think you said them perfectly. Thank you so much. Praying for you, my friend.
